ElasticSearch search for special characters with pattern analyzer ElasticSearch search for special characters with pattern analyzer elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch search for special characters with pattern analyzer

From what you have explained what I got is that you want to do partial matches also like searching for "aterial_get".

To satisfy all your requirement, you need to change the mapping of your field to have ngram token filter in the analyzer and without removing the special characters. A sample analyzer can look like

{  "settings":{    "analysis":{      "analyzer":{        "partialmatch":{          "type":"custom",          "tokenizer":"keyword",          "filter":[ "lowercase", "ngram" ]         }      },      "filter":{        "ngram":{          "type":"ngram",          "min_gram":2,          "max_gram":15        }      }    }  }}

And define in your mapping for your_field the analyzer "partialmatch" defined above. You can change the values of min_gram and max_gram as per your needs.

With this mapping you can do a normal term search like below

{    "term": {        "your_field": "aterial_get"    }}