ElasticSearch - Searching with hyphens in name ElasticSearch - Searching with hyphens in name elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch - Searching with hyphens in name

You can try removing the hyphen using a mapping char filter:


something like this would remove the hyphen:

{    "index" : {        "analysis" : {            "char_filter" : {                "my_mapping" : {                    "type" : "mapping",                    "mappings" : ["-=>"]                }            },            "analyzer" : {                "custom_with_char_filter" : {                    "tokenizer" : "standard",                    "char_filter" : ["my_mapping"]                }            }        }    }}

it's something of a blunt force instrument as it will strip all hyphens but it should make "t-shirt" and "tshirt" match