ElasticSearch service failing to start. Cannot find JVM ElasticSearch service failing to start. Cannot find JVM elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch service failing to start. Cannot find JVM

Just found the solution. I moved the JAVA_HOME variable from user variables to system variables.

Now the service is running.

I also faced the same issue even though JAVA_HOME is defined in the User variables still it needs to be defined in the System variables

When you’re using Maven on the same machine (i.e., Java developers), your JAVA_HOME must point to the JDK home, which has a bin directory but no subdirectory server with a jvm.dll in it. The file is in jre\bin\server\jvm.dll where it isn’t found.

Open a cmd window, change to the Elasticsearch directory, run bin/elasticsearch-service manager, go to “Java” tab and set the path to the jvm.dll correctly.
