Elasticsearch, sorting by exact string match Elasticsearch, sorting by exact string match elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch, sorting by exact string match

One solution is to manipulate the score of the results that contain the Bob in the first name field.

For example:

POST /test/users{  "name": "Bob"}POST /test/users{  "name": "Alice"}GET /test/users/_search{  "query": {    "bool": {      "should": [        {          "match": {            "name": {              "query": "Bob",               "boost" : 2            }          }        },         {          "match_all": {}        }      ]    }  }}

Would return both Bob and Alice in that order (with approximate scores of 1 and 0.2 respectively).

From the book:

Query-time boosting is the main tool that you can use to tune relevance. Any type of query accepts a boost parameter. Setting a boost of 2 doesn’t simply double the final _score; the actual boost value that is applied goes through normalization and some internal optimization. However, it does imply that a clause with a boost of 2 is twice as important as a clause with a boost of 1.

Meaning that if you also wanted "Fred" to come ahead of Bob you could just boost it with a 3 factor in the example above.