Elasticsearch: Time Range aggregation is not working as expected Elasticsearch: Time Range aggregation is not working as expected elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch: Time Range aggregation is not working as expected

Your query is right but ES stores date in UTC and hence you are getting everything back. From the documentation

In JSON documents, dates are represented as strings. Elasticsearch uses a set of preconfigured formats to recognize and parse these strings into a long value representing milliseconds-since-the-epoch in UTC.

You could use the pytz module and store dates in UTC in ES. Refer to this SO question.

You could also use time_zone param in range query, also it is better to aggregate on filtered results rather than get all the results and then filter on all of them.

GET /logs_2016-11-03/logs/_search{  "query": {    "bool": {      "filter": {        "range": {          "@timestamp": {            "gte": "2016-11-03T07:15:35",         <----- You would need absolute value            "time_zone": "-01:00"              <---- timezone setting          }        }      }    }  },  "aggs": {    "just_stats": {      "stats": {        "field": "value"      }    }  },  "size": 0}

You would have to convert desired time(now-1m, now-15s) to format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss for time_zone param to work as now is not affected by time_zone so best option is to convert dates to UTC and store it.