Elasticsearch _timestamp Elasticsearch _timestamp elasticsearch elasticsearch

Elasticsearch _timestamp

Special fields such as _ttl and _timestamp have to be defined on the same level as the properties object:

curl -Xput 'http://elasticsearch:9200/ppe/log/_mapping' -d '{    "log": {        "_ttl": {            "enabled": true        },        "_timestamp": {            "enabled": true,            "store": "yes"        },        "properties": {            "message": {                "type": "string",                "store": "yes"            },            "appid": {                "type": "string",                "store": "yes"            },            "level": {                "type": "integer",                "store": "yes"            },            "logdate": {                "type": "date",                "format": "date_time_no_millis",                "store": "yes"            }        }    }}'

Note though that although _timestamp is defined on top level it will be returned inside fields:

curl 'http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype/AUqL0PW7YDMmKSIKO1bk?pretty=true&fields=_timestamp'{  "_index" : "myindex",  "_type" : "mytype",  "_id" : "AUqL0PW7YDMmKSIKO1bk",  "_version" : 1,  "found" : true,  "fields" : {    "_timestamp" : 1419684935099  }}

Note that _timestamp must be explicitly requested by fields=_timestamp or fields=_timestamp,_source.

Note that _timestamp can be returned only when this field is marked as 'store': true. But there is a way to access this value when sorting by _timestamp, like this:

curl 'http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype/_search?pretty=true' -d '    { "sort": [ "_timestamp" ], "size": 1} '

Gives result:

{  "took" : 1,  "timed_out" : false,  "_shards" : {    "total" : 5,    "successful" : 5,    "failed" : 0  },  "hits" : {    "total" : 3,    "max_score" : null,    "hits" : [ {       "_index" : "myindex",       "_type" : "mytype",       "_id" : "AUqL0PDXYDMmKSIKO1bj",       "_score" : null,       "sort" : [ 1419684933847 ]     } ]  }}

And now sort[0] is the value for the first (and the only in this case) sort value: _timestamp. _timestamp does not have to be marked as "store": true when used in this manner.