ElasticSearch updates are not immediate, how do you wait for ElasticSearch to finish updating it's index? ElasticSearch updates are not immediate, how do you wait for ElasticSearch to finish updating it's index? elasticsearch elasticsearch

ElasticSearch updates are not immediate, how do you wait for ElasticSearch to finish updating it's index?

As of version 5.0.0, elasticsearch has an option:


on the Index, Update, Delete, and Bulk api's. This way, the request won't receive a response until the result is visible in ElasticSearch. (Yay!)

See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/docs-refresh.html for more information.

edit: It seems that this functionality is already part of the latest Python elasticsearch api:https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.io/en/master/api.html#elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.index

Change your elasticsearch.update to:

elasticsearch.update(     index='blog',     doc_type='blog'     id=1,     refresh='wait_for',     body={        ....    })

and you shouldn't need any sleep or polling.

Seems to work for me:


If you use bulk helpers you can do it like this:

from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk    bulk(client=self.es, actions=data, refresh='wait_for')