Error while creating external table in Hive using EsStorageHandler Error while creating external table in Hive using EsStorageHandler elasticsearch elasticsearch

Error while creating external table in Hive using EsStorageHandler

Finally found the resolution for it...

1) The "elasticsearch-hadoop-1.2.0.jar" jar I was using was bugged one. It didn't have any hadoop/hive packages inside it. (Found this jar on internet and just downloaded it).

Now replaced it by jar from Maven repository "elasticsearch-hadoop-1.3.0.M1.jar".

2) The class "org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.**EsStorageHandler**" has been renamed in new elasticsearch jar as "org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.**ESStorageHandler**". Note that capital 'S' in 'ES'.

So the new hive command to create External table is :

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE drivers_external (       id BIGINT,        firstname STRING,        lastname STRING,        vehicle STRING,        speed STRING) STORED BY 'org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.ESStorageHandler'TBLPROPERTIES('es.nodes'='localhost','es.resource' = 'drivers/driver');

It Worked!