Example of Angular and Elasticsearch Example of Angular and Elasticsearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Example of Angular and Elasticsearch

Here is a way to do a "Hello World" combining AngularJS and Elasticsearch

1) Make sure you have installed elasticsearch correctly on your local machine
following the instructions

2) Test your local install of elasticsearch
by typing on the command line
curl -XGET localhost:9200

3) Insert some test data into elasticsearch
Just run each of the commands in this gist (by clicking the little green triangle next to each one)or you can insert data manually by typing the following at the command line:

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/test_index/product/1" -d '{  "title": "Product1",  "description": "Product1 Description",  "price": 100}'curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/test_index/product/2" -d '{  "title": "Product2",  "description": "Product2 Description",  "price": 200}'

4) Test retrieving data from elasticsearch
curl -XGET localhost:9200/test_index/product/1

5) Dowload the angular.elasticsearch.js (or the minified version) client and place it somewhere where it is available to you Angular app (same directory should be good)

6) Dowload and run the following code

You may also be able to run this Plunk directly from the Plunkr site http://plnkr.co/vfapGG, but that depends on your security settings since it needs to access your brand new Elasticsearch server at localhost:9200

You now have a working Elasticsearch backend and AngularJS frontend.

Before going into production, be sure to secure your Elasticsearch server properly as ANYONE with access to it can easily MODIFY or DELETE your stored data and gain CONTROL (essentially shell access) of the computer running the Elasticsearch server if it is not secured properly.

In case you're looking to prototype a more advanced solution with AngularJS and Elasticsearch, I've created the library ElasticUI (AngularJS Directives for Elasticsearch)

It builds upon the official client and elastic.js, so if you want to see how to get started with that, the source code for the part which does the actual requests might be a good starting point.

John D, while there are several other answers I wanted to add that there is now an example project providing the "hello world" example you were looking for.
