Filter on boolean field increases latency and CPU Filter on boolean field increases latency and CPU elasticsearch elasticsearch

Filter on boolean field increases latency and CPU

Finally, I couldn't solve the issue performing the query like I described here...

I solved this creating 2 different document types, according to the TRUE/FALSE value of the related field.

With this approach, no CPU increase, no latency problems... And since ElasticSearch can search in multiple document types at a time, this separation wasn't cause major problems to my application code ;)

So now, I perform the same query in both cases but changing only the document type target:

POST /my_index/doc_type_with_true_value/_searchPOST /my_index/doc_type_with_false_value/_search
{  "from" : 0,  "size" : 10,  "query" : {    "filtered" : {      "query" : {        "match_all" : { }      },      "filter" : {        "and" : {          "filters" : [ {            "bool" : {              "must" : [ {                "range" : {                  "_timestamp" : {                    "from" : null,                    "to" : "2016-05-04T15:12:00Z",                    "include_lower" : true,                    "include_upper" : false                  }                }              } ]            }          }, {            "geo_distance" : {              "rounded_location" : [ -8.42, 42.24 ],              "distance" : "300000m",              "distance_type" : "plane",              "optimize_bbox" : "indexed"            }          } ]        }      }    }  },  "sort" : [ {    "_geo_distance" : {      "rounded_location" : [ {        "lat" : 42.24,        "lon" : -8.42      } ],      "unit" : "m"    }  }, {    "date" : {      "order" : "desc"    }  }, {    "price" : {      "order" : "asc"    }  } ]}