Filtering, sorting and paginating by sub-aggregations in ElasticSearch 6 Filtering, sorting and paginating by sub-aggregations in ElasticSearch 6 elasticsearch elasticsearch

Filtering, sorting and paginating by sub-aggregations in ElasticSearch 6

Here is the query without pagination:

{   "size":0,   "query":{      "bool":{         "must":[            {               "terms":{                  "day":[                     "20200530",                     "20200531",                     "20200532"                  ]               }            }         ]      }   },   "aggs":{      "rooms":{         "nested":{            "path":"rooms"         },         "aggs":{            "rooms":{               "terms":{                  "field":"rooms.room_id",                  "min_doc_count":3,                  "order":{                     "sum_price":"asc"                  }               },               "aggs":{                  "sum_price":{                     "sum":{                        "field":"rooms.rate"                     }                  },                  "max_price":{                     "bucket_selector":{                        "buckets_path":{                           "var1":"sum_price"                        },                        "script":"params.var1 < 100"                     }                  }               }            }         }      }   }}

Please note that the following variables should be changed for the desired results:

  • day
  • min_doc_count
  • script in max_price