FOS Elastica -- getting string representation of query FOS Elastica -- getting string representation of query elasticsearch elasticsearch

FOS Elastica -- getting string representation of query

I see you no longer are using this but I ended up needing the same thing.

Right before return $query you can use json_encode($query->getQuery()->toArray()) and that should give you what you need as a single line string.

Not a direct answer to the question but very related. When using a tool like to test your elasticsearch queries, it can be interesting to have the output as YAML so you can paste in the editor like this:

query:    filtered:    query:        multi_match:            query: php            operator: AND            fields:                - field1^30                - field2                - field3                                    - _all

You can have this kind of output with the following function:

use Elastica\Query;use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper;/** * @param Query $query * @param bool  $asYaml */protected function debugQuery(Query $query, $asYaml = false){    echo '<pre>';    $debug = ['query' => $query->getQuery()->toArray()];    if (false === $asYaml) {        echo json_encode($debug, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);        die();    }    $dumper = new Dumper();    $yaml = $dumper->dump($debug, 100);    echo $yaml;    die();}

So you can choose either format.