Frameworks for creating asynchronous streaming API Frameworks for creating asynchronous streaming API elasticsearch elasticsearch

Frameworks for creating asynchronous streaming API

How about finagle?

It doesn't cover all your needs out of the box, but it's a very nice and extensible framework and might provide a good base to build upon.

And you can see an example of doing a streaming server using finagle:

I would suggest Scramjet. It will work with your local and analog cases, but it will simply shine when given a task with multiple REST API's in the pipeline - in this case it scales logarithmic while other streaming systems scale exponentially (!). Here's a benchmark scramjet-benchmark on GitHub

It can be programmed with a chain of simple lambdas and is based on node.js with all the plethora of asynchronous modules you'll be able to run all your REST services in a single line (I suggest you tried request-promise). A simple case looks like this:

const scramjet = require("scramjet");const request = require("request-promise");process.stdin.pipe(new scramjet.StringStream())    .split("\r?\n")    .map((uri) => request.get("" + uri))    .filter((data) => data.status === 200 && data.articleUrl)    .map((data) => request.get("" + data.articleUrl)    .accumulate((data) => database.put(data.key, data))    .then(() => console.log('finished'))

And that's it for a software that calls two API's and writes the results to database.