Get available apartments query Get available apartments query elasticsearch elasticsearch

Get available apartments query

We have to list free apartments and those apartment that will be available in the desired period (start_date, end_date variables)

So it should be a or query: free_aparments or available_aparments

The free apartments (those that haven't any value in reservations field) should be easy to query with a missing filter, but this is a nested field and we have to deal with.
If we perform the query with a missing filter all docs will be returned. It's weird but it happens. Here there's the explained solution: and here is the issue: The gist snnipet works with all elasticsearch versions.

The other part of the or query are available apartments.
I've solved this part performing a not query. Return me those apartments that NOT have a reservation, thought a list of range that match with those aparments that do have a reservation and then negate the result using must_not filter

elasticsearch_query = {    "query": {        "filtered": {            "filter": {                "bool": {                    "should": [                        {                            "nested": {                                "filter": {                                    "bool": {                                        "must_not" : [                                            {                                                "range": {                                                    "start_date": {                                                        "gte" : start_date,                                                         "lt" :end_date                                                    }                                                }                                            },                                            {                                                "range": {                                                    "end_date": {                                                        "gte" : end_date,                                                         #"lte" :end_date                                                    }                                                }                                            }                                        ]                                    }                                },                                 "path": "reservations"                            }                        },                        {                            #{ "missing" : { "field" : "reservations"} }                            "not": {                                "nested": {                                    "path": "reservations",                                    "filter": {                                        "match_all": {}                                    }                                }                            }                        }                    ],                }            }        },    },     "sort" : {"id":"desc"}}

You can have a look to my solution in this notebook
I've created and example, populating a sample index and searching for desired apartments with this query

Comments answers:

  1. Prefix: Since nested filter is performed setting path will be queried, prefix is no needed at all (at least in my tested version). And yes, you can add a field names start_date at document level or at another nested field

  2. Apartment matches: Yes, it matches with 91 sample apartments, but since I did a search with default size parameter, only 10 are returned (I didn't specified its value, its default value). If you need to get ALL of them, use a scroll search

(notebook has been modified to clarify this points)

First of all, I think you must use the nested query.

I am not familiar with chewy-gem but the query would look something like:

:query => {  :nested: => {    :path: => "reservations",    :query => {      :bool => {        :must_not => [           {            :range => {:"reservations.start_date" => {:gte => "2017-02-10"}}          },           {            :range => {:"reservations.end_date" => {:lte => "2017-02-12"}}          }        ]      }    }  }}

But it might also not work as if there is a reservation in 2018, the fisrt bool query will be true (as the start date will be > 2017-02-10), therefore the appartment will not be returned, if I'm correct.

I would do something like:

:query => {  :nested: => {    :path: => "reservations",    :query => {      :bool => {        :must_not => [           {            :range => {:"reservations.start_date" => {:gte => "2017-02-10", :lte => "2017-02-12"}}          },           {            :range => {:"reservations.end_date" => {:gte => "2017-02-10", :lte => "2017-02-12"}}          }        ]      }    }  }}

which means no start date beetween the range you want, no end date beetween the range you want.

This is the query I came up with which is supposed to take into account all conditions, namely:

  • either there are no reservations (1st top-level bool/should)
  • or there are at least one reservation and the reservation start and end dates do not overlap with the requested dates.

Here, we're asking for free apartments between 2017-02-10 and 2017-02-12

{  "bool": {    "minimum_should_match": 1,    "should": [      {        "nested": {          "path": "reservations",          "query": {            "bool": {              "must_not": {                "exists": {                  "field": "reservations.start_date"                }              }            }          }        }      },      {        "bool": {          "must": [            {              "nested": {                "path": "reservations",                "query": {                  "bool": {                    "minimum_should_match": 1,                    "should": [                      {                        "range": {                          "reservations.start_date": {                            "gt": "2017-02-10"                          }                        }                      },                      {                        "range": {                          "reservations.end_date": {                            "lt": "2017-02-10"                          }                        }                      }                    ]                  }                }              }            },            {              "nested": {                "path": "reservations",                "query": {                  "bool": {                    "minimum_should_match": 1,                    "should": [                      {                        "range": {                          "reservations.start_date": {                            "gt": "2017-02-12"                          }                        }                      },                      {                        "range": {                          "reservations.end_date": {                            "lt": "2017-02-12"                          }                        }                      }                    ]                  }                }              }            }          ]        }      }    ]  }}