Has anyone been able to use elasticsearch xpack sql with Spark? Has anyone been able to use elasticsearch xpack sql with Spark? elasticsearch elasticsearch

Has anyone been able to use elasticsearch xpack sql with Spark?

I don't think this feature is supported. An alternative solution in PySpark would have been to use the JDBC driver, which I did try. I tried the following:

es_df = spark.read.jdbc(url="jdbc:es://", table = "(select * from eg_flight) mytable")

and I got the following error:

Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o2488.jdbc.: java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException: Found 1 problem(s)line 1:8: Unexecutable item...

An alternative would be to do it using core Python and request as such but it I won't recommend it for large datasets.

import requests as rimport jsones_template = {    "query": "select * from eg_flight"}es_link = ""headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}if __name__ == "__main__":    load = r.post(es_link, data=json.dumps(es_template), headers=headers)    if load.status_code == 200:        load = load.json()        #do something with it