How can I query elasticsearch for only one type of record? How can I query elasticsearch for only one type of record? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How can I query elasticsearch for only one type of record?

The following query will limit results to records with the type "your_type":

curl - XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_all/your_type/_search?q=your_query'

See for more details.

You can also use query dsl to filter out results for specific type like this:

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_search' -d '{    "query": {        "filtered" : {            "filter" : {                "type" : { "value" : "my_type" }            }        }    }}'

Update for version 6.1:Type filter is now replaced by Type Query: can use that in both Query and Filter contexts.

{"query" : {      "filtered" : {          "filter" : {            "bool" : {            "must" :[{"term":{"_type":"UserAudit"}}, {"term" : {"eventType": "REGISTRATION"}}]           }         }      }   },   "aggs":{      "monthly":{         "date_histogram":{            "field":"timestamp",            "interval":"1y"         },         "aggs":{            "existing_visitor":{               "terms":{                  "field":"existingGuest"               }            }         }      }   }}

"_type":"UserAudit" condition will look the records only specific to type