How do I create an "OR" filter using elasticsearch-dsl-py? How do I create an "OR" filter using elasticsearch-dsl-py? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How do I create an "OR" filter using elasticsearch-dsl-py?


s = Search(using=client,           index="my_index"    ).filter(        "term", status=PUBLISHED    ).filter(        "or", [F("range", start_publication={"lte": now}, ),               F("missing", field="start_publication")]    ).filter(        "or", [F("range", end_publication={"gte": now}, ),               F("missing", field="end_publication")]    )

Which turns into:

{     "query":{        "filtered":{           "filter":{              "bool":{                 "must":[                    {                       "term":{                          "status":"published"                     }                  },                  {                       "or":{                          "filters":[                             {                                "range":{                                   "start_publication":{                                      "lte":"2015-02-17T03:45:00.245012+00:00"                                 }                              }                           },                           {                                "missing":{                                   "field":"start_publication"                              }                           }                        ]                     }                  },                  {                       "or":{                          "filters":[                             {                                "range":{                                   "end_publication":{                                      "gte":"2015-02-17T03:45:00.245012+00:00"                                 }                              }                           },                           {                                "missing":{                                   "field":"end_publication"                              }                           }                        ]                     }                  }               ]            }         },         "query":{              "match_all":{              }         }      }   }}

Hopefully this can be included in the elasticsearch-dsl-py documentation in the future.

With Elasticsearch 2.x (and elasticsearch-dsl > 2.x) you can't apply filters as in @theslow1's comment anymore. Instead you have to construct your filter by combining Qs:

search = Search(using=esclient, index="myIndex")firstFilter = Q("match", color='blue') & Q("match", status='published')secondFilter = Q("match", color='yellow') & Q("match", author='John Doe')combinedFilter = firstFilter | secondFiltersearch = search.query('bool', filter=[combinedFilter])

The search.query('bool', filter=[combinedQ]) applies the Q-criteria as filter as described in the elasticsearch-dsl documentation.