how start elasticsearch with debug / verbose how start elasticsearch with debug / verbose elasticsearch elasticsearch

how start elasticsearch with debug / verbose

Outdated question, but probably, can be helpful for someone else.

./elasticsearch -Des.logger.level=DEBUG

Thanks :)

In the more recent version of ES, i.e. 7.x the option is

-v for verbose

bin/elasticsearch -v

There's a file, typically in the config directory (along with elasticsearch.yml). There, you have full control over logging. You can set everything to DEBUG via:

rootLogger.level = debug

Though if I want more verbose logging for a specific chunk of code, I usually use the Cluster Update Settings API. Something like:

curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{  "transient": {    "": "trace"  }}'

Though the JDBC importer hasn't been updated for a while now.