How to add mapping in ElasticSearch using JEST How to add mapping in ElasticSearch using JEST elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to add mapping in ElasticSearch using JEST

I found your question while trying to see if I could create an index and mappings in one go. I ended up just creating a second request for creating mappings.

    String mappingJson = new String(ByteStreams.toByteArray(mappingFile.getInputStream()));    boolean indexExists = client.execute(new IndicesExists.Builder(configuration.getIndex()).build()).isSucceeded();    if (indexExists) {"Updating elasticsearch type mapping.");        client.execute(new PutMapping.Builder(configuration.getIndex(), configuration.getBaseType(), mappingJson).build());    } else {"Creating elasticsearch index and type mapping.");        client.execute(new CreateIndex.Builder(configuration.getIndex()).build());        client.execute(new PutMapping.Builder(configuration.getIndex(), configuration.getBaseType(), mappingJson).build());    }