How to deploy AWS elasticsearch using serverless.yml How to deploy AWS elasticsearch using serverless.yml elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to deploy AWS elasticsearch using serverless.yml

You can add CloudFormation resources to the "resources" section. For ElasticSearch this would look something like this.

service: aws-nodejsprovider:  name: aws  runtime: nodejs6.10functions:  hello:    handler: handler.hello    environment:      elasticURL:        Fn::GetAtt: [ ElasticSearchInstance , DomainEndpoint ]resources:  Resources:    ElasticSearchInstance:      Type: AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain      Properties:        EBSOptions:          EBSEnabled: true          VolumeType: gp2          VolumeSize: 10        ElasticsearchClusterConfig:          InstanceType: t2.small.elasticsearch          InstanceCount: 1          DedicatedMasterEnabled: false          ZoneAwarenessEnabled: false        ElasticsearchVersion: 5.3

to add to Jens' answer, you might want the output

you can add this to your serverless.yml config

Outputs:  DomainArn:    Value: !GetAtt ElasticsearchDomain.DomainArn  DomainEndpoint:    Value: !GetAtt ElasticsearchDomain.DomainEndpoint  SecurityGroupId:    Value: !Ref mySecurityGroup  SubnetId:    Value: !Ref subnet