How to disable elasticsearch 5.0 authentication? How to disable elasticsearch 5.0 authentication? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to disable elasticsearch 5.0 authentication?

In a test environment I added the following option to elasticsearch.yml, and/or kibana.yml false

assuming that your image name is elasticsearch. you can use id if you don't like name

if you run docker you can use this. go to bash in docker with command

docker exec -i -t elasticsearch /bin/bash

then remove x-pack

elasticsearch-plugin remove x-pack

exit docker


and restart docker image

docker restart elasticsearch

Disclamer: Solution inspired by MichaƂ Dymel

When using with docker (in local dev), instead of removing the xpack, you can simply disable it.

docker pull run -p 9200:9200 \    -p 9300:9300 \    -e "discovery.type=single-node" \    -e "" \