how to do exact match in elasticsearch? how to do exact match in elasticsearch? elasticsearch elasticsearch

how to do exact match in elasticsearch?

If the data is exactly "k r puram" and you're searching for exactly "k r puram" - then you shouldn't use an analyser.

When inserting data the default behaviour in Elasticsearch is to use the standard analyser.

To disable this use

 "index": "not_analyzed" 

in the mapping for the appropriate field.

if your mapping is as follows:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/index/address/_mapping -d '{"address": {  "properties": {     "city": {"type": "string"},     "line1": {"type": "string"},     "line2": {"type": "string"},     "line3": {"type": "string"},     "location": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed"},     "pincode": {"type": "string"}  }}}'

then your data must match it, for example this doesn't match it:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/index/address/ -d '{"title":"testing", "address":      {"line1":"#51",       "line2":"3rd cross",       "line3":"6th main",       "location":"k r puram",       "pincode":"560041"}}

This however does match (my modifications):

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/index/address/ -d '{"line1":"#51", "line2":"3rd cross", "line3":"6th main", "location":"k r puram", "pincode":"560041"}'

And this query finds the document as expected:

curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/index/address/_search -d '{   "query" :{"match" : {"location": "k r puram"}}}'

if you can't change your data, then add the extra level to the mapping,e.g.:

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/index/address3/_mapping -d '{  "address3" : {    "properties" : {      "address" : {        "properties" : {          "city" : {            "type" : "string"          },          "line1" : {            "type" : "string"          },          "line2" : {            "type" : "string"          },          "location" : {            "type" : "string", "index": "not_analyzed"          }        }      },      "title" : {        "type" : "string"     }   } }}'

Again the query works well:

curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/index/address3/_search -d '{   "query" :{"match" : {"address.location": "k r puram"}}}'

Have you tried this? (use .raw sub field to match value on "not tokenized" value)

{"query":{   "bool":{      "must":[       {"match":{"published":true}},       {"match":{"inActive":false}},       {"range":{"propertyDetailsCategory.build_up_area":{"lte":200}}},       {"match":{"type":"commercial"}},       {"match":{"purpose":"rent"}},       {"range":{"commercialsCategory.exp_rent":{"lte":50000}}},       {"match":{"address.location.raw": "k r puram"}}     ]   } }}

Try to use this query on your old mapping, it should work :)