How to do Incremental/Search as you type full text search on 5 million records sets using Elastic search How to do Incremental/Search as you type full text search on 5 million records sets using Elastic search elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to do Incremental/Search as you type full text search on 5 million records sets using Elastic search

You should try these settings:

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/index_wiki_articlenames/" -d'{   "settings":{      "analysis":{         "tokenizer":{            "edge_ngram_tokenizer":{               "type":"edgeNGram",               "min_gram":"1",               "max_gram":"20",               "token_chars":[                  "letter",                  "digit"               ]            }                                                                                                                            },         "analyzer":{            "nGram_analyzer":{               "type":"custom",               "tokenizer":"edge_ngram_tokenizer",               "filter":[                  "lowercase",                  "asciifolding"               ]            }         }      }   },   "mappings":{                                                                               "name":{         "properties":{            "articlenames":{               "type":"text",               "analyzer":"nGram_analyzer",               "search_analyzer": "standard"            }         }      }   }}'

Also when querying try this query:

GET my_index/_search{  "query": {    "match": {      "articlenames": {        "query": "Sachin T",         "operator": "and"      }    }  }}

I know it's too late, but anybody who's looking for a solution for this can try this query. Mapping & Index is correct. Seems to be missing and operator in query section.

GET index_wiki_articlenames/_search{  "query": {    "match": {      "articlenames": {        "query": "sachin ten",         "operator": "and"      }    }  }}

This results in

sachin tendulkarsachin tendulkar centuries