How to erase ElasticSearch index? How to erase ElasticSearch index? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to erase ElasticSearch index?

Found solution:

IndicesAdminClient adminClient = searchConnection.client.admin().indices();String indexName = "location";DeleteIndexResponse delete = adminClient.delete(new DeleteIndexRequest(indexName)).actionGet()if (!delete.isAcknowledged()) {    log.error("Index {} wasn't deleted", indexName);}


client.admin().indices().flush(new FlushRequest('location')).actionGet();

after putting new data into index.

First of all you don't have to clear all data by issuing a delete on each doc id. You can just delete all data with delete by query matching all documents Having that said I don't recommend that either, because it's not recommended to do this often on large doc collections (see docs).

What you really want to do is delete the whole index (it's fast) , recreate it, put in data and this is important refresh the index to "commit" the changes and make them visible.

I do this in my tests and never had a problem.

  1. it is not the async call (you can add a listener and avoid actionGet to get the async call)
  2. delete all items via:

    client.prepareDeleteByQuery(indexName).            setQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()).            setTypes(indexType).            execute().actionGet();
  3. refresh your index to see the changes (only required in unit tests)