How to get exact match phrase more than one How to get exact match phrase more than one elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to get exact match phrase more than one

You can check and try with, match, match_phrase or match_phrase_prefix

Using match,

GET courses/_search{    "query": {        "match" : {            "name" : "Anthropology 230"        }    },    "_source": "name"}

Using match_phrase,

GET courses/_search{    "query": {        "match_phrase" : {            "name" : "Anthropology"        }    },    "_source": "name"}

OR using regexp,

GET courses/_search{    "query": {        "regexp" : {            "name" : "Anthropology [0-9]{3}"        }    },    "_source": "name"}

The mistake that you are doing is that you are using the term query on keyword field and both of them are not analyzed, which means they try to find the exact same search string in inverted index.

What you should be doing is: define a text field which you anyway will have if you have not defined your mapping. I am also assuming the same as in your query you mentioned .keyword which gets created automatically if you don't define mapping.

Now you can just use below match query which is analyzed and uses standard analyzer which splits the token on whitespace, so Anthropology 250 and 230 will be generated for your 2 sample docs.

Simple and efficient query which brings both the docs

{    "query": {        "match" : {            "name" : "Anthropology 230"        }    }}

And search result

 "hits": [      {        "_index": "matchterm",        "_type": "_doc",        "_id": "1",        "_score": 0.8754687,        "_source": {          "name": "Anthropology 230"        }      },      {        "_index": "matchterm",        "_type": "_doc",        "_id": "2",        "_score": 0.18232156,        "_source": {          "name": "Anthropology 250"        }      }    ]

The reason why above query matched both docs is that it created two tokens anthropology and 230 and matches anthropology in both of the documents.

You should definitely read about the analysis process and can also try analyze API to see the tokens generated for any text.

Analyze API output for your text

POST http://{{hostname}}:{{port}}/{{index-name}}/_analyze

{  "analyzer": "standard",  "text": "Anthropology 250"}{    "tokens": [        {            "token": "anthropology",            "start_offset": 0,            "end_offset": 12,            "type": "<ALPHANUM>",            "position": 0        },        {            "token": "250",            "start_offset": 13,            "end_offset": 16,            "type": "<NUM>",            "position": 1        }    ]}

Assuming you may have more 'Anthropology nnn' items, this should do what you need:

"query":{    "bool":{        "must":[            {"term": {"name.keyword":"Anthropology 230"}},            {"term": {"name.keyword":"Anthropology 250"}},        ]      }}