How to get JUST the Elasticsearch server version from the command line How to get JUST the Elasticsearch server version from the command line elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to get JUST the Elasticsearch server version from the command line

Another way that doesn't require any outside dependencies is to use response filtering and the filter_path query string parameter (available since ES 1.6) and the awk command.

curl -s -XGET 'localhost:9200?filter_path=version.number&pretty=false' | awk -F'"' {'print $6'}

That returns:


If you have the jq utility, you can use it to parse the json reply and output a plain text string:

curl -sS localhost:9200 | jq -r .version.number

General purpose scripting languages can accomplish the same, but are usually more clunky:

curl -sS localhost:9200 | python -c 'import json, sys; print(json.loads(["version"]["number"])'