How to integrate ElasticSearch 7.0 version with Spring Boot? How to integrate ElasticSearch 7.0 version with Spring Boot? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to integrate ElasticSearch 7.0 version with Spring Boot?


Spring Boot 2.3 is integrating spring-data-elasticsearch 4 so it will support ElasticSearch 7.x out of the box. It will be released soon but you can already try it:

plugins {  id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.3.0.RC1'  id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.9.RELEASE'}

I have tested it positively and all of my test scenarios are passing so I would definitely recommend this way. I will keep the answer below for people that for some reasons can't upgrade to 2.3.

OLD WORKAROUND (previous versions original answer)

As we don`t really know when Spring Data Elastic Search 4.x is going to be released I am posting my way of integrating the current Spring Data Elastic Search 4.x and stable Spring Boot 2.1.7. It might work as a temporary workaround for you if you want to work with the Spring Repositories and the newest Elastic Search.

1) Force newest elastic search client in your dependencies (in my case: build.gradle)

dependencies {    //Force spring-data to use the newest elastic-search client    //this should removed as soon as spring-data-elasticsearch:4.0.0 is released!    implementation('') {        exclude group: 'org.elasticsearch'        exclude group: 'org.elasticsearch.plugin'        exclude group: 'org.elasticsearch.client'    }    implementation('org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:7.3.0') { force = true }    implementation('org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client:7.3.0') { force = true }    implementation('org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-client:7.3.0') { force = true }}

2) Disable the Elastic Search auto configuration and health check components as they become incompatible (you may later want to implement your own health check).

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {ElasticsearchAutoConfiguration.class, ElasticSearchRestHealthIndicatorAutoConfiguration.class})@EnableElasticsearchRepositoriespublic class SpringBootApp {    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);    }}

3) As we disabled the auto configuration we need to initialize the ElasticsearchRestTemplate ourselves. We also need to do it to provide the custom MappingElasticsearchConverter to avoid class incompatibilities.

/** * Manual configuration to support the newest ElasticSearch that is currently not supported by {@link}. * * @author aleksanderlech */@Configuration@EnableConfigurationProperties(ElasticsearchProperties.class)public class ElasticSearchConfiguration {    @Primary    @Bean    public ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchTemplate(ElasticsearchProperties configuration) {        var nodes =  Stream.of(configuration.getClusterNodes().split(",")).map(HttpHost::create).toArray(HttpHost[]::new);        var client = new RestHighLevelClient(RestClient.builder(nodes));        var converter = new CustomElasticSearchConverter(new SimpleElasticsearchMappingContext(), createConversionService());        return new ElasticsearchRestTemplate(client, converter, new DefaultResultMapper(converter));    }    private DefaultConversionService createConversionService() {        var conversionService = new DefaultConversionService();        conversionService.addConverter(new StringToLocalDateConverter());        return conversionService;    }}


/** * Custom version of {@link MappingElasticsearchConverter} to support newest Spring Data Elasticsearch integration that supports ElasticSearch 7. Remove when Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.x is released. */class CustomElasticSearchConverter extends MappingElasticsearchConverter {    private CustomConversions conversions = new ElasticsearchCustomConversions(Collections.emptyList());    CustomElasticSearchConverter(MappingContext<? extends ElasticsearchPersistentEntity<?>, ElasticsearchPersistentProperty> mappingContext) {        super(mappingContext);        setConversions(conversions);    }    CustomElasticSearchConverter(MappingContext<? extends ElasticsearchPersistentEntity<?>, ElasticsearchPersistentProperty> mappingContext, GenericConversionService conversionService) {        super(mappingContext, conversionService);        setConversions(conversions);    }    @Override    protected <R> R readValue(@Nullable Object source, ElasticsearchPersistentProperty property,                              TypeInformation<R> targetType) {        if (source == null) {            return null;        }        if (source instanceof List) {            return readCollectionValue((List) source, property, targetType);        }        return super.readValue(source, property, targetType);    }    private Object readSimpleValue(@Nullable Object value, TypeInformation<?> targetType) {        Class<?> target = targetType.getType();        if (value == null || target == null || ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(target, value)) {            return value;        }        if (conversions.hasCustomReadTarget(value.getClass(), target)) {            return getConversionService().convert(value, target);        }        if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(target)) {            return Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) target, value.toString());        }        return getConversionService().convert(value, target);    }    private <R> R readCollectionValue(@Nullable List<?> source, ElasticsearchPersistentProperty property,                                      TypeInformation<R> targetType) {        if (source == null) {            return null;        }        Collection<Object> target = createCollectionForValue(targetType, source.size());        for (Object value : source) {            if (isSimpleType(value)) {                target.add(                        readSimpleValue(value, targetType.getComponentType() != null ? targetType.getComponentType() : targetType));            } else {                if (value instanceof List) {                    target.add(readValue(value, property, property.getTypeInformation().getActualType()));                } else {                    target.add(readEntity(computeGenericValueTypeForRead(property, value), (Map) value));                }            }        }        return (R) target;    }    private Collection<Object> createCollectionForValue(TypeInformation<?> collectionTypeInformation, int size) {        Class<?> collectionType = collectionTypeInformation.isCollectionLike()//                ? collectionTypeInformation.getType() //                : List.class;        TypeInformation<?> componentType = collectionTypeInformation.getComponentType() != null //                ? collectionTypeInformation.getComponentType() //                : ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT;        return collectionTypeInformation.getType().isArray() //                ? new ArrayList<>(size) //                : CollectionFactory.createCollection(collectionType, componentType.getType(), size);    }    private ElasticsearchPersistentEntity<?> computeGenericValueTypeForRead(ElasticsearchPersistentProperty property,                                                                            Object value) {        return ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT.equals(property.getTypeInformation().getActualType())                ? getMappingContext().getRequiredPersistentEntity(value.getClass())                : getMappingContext().getRequiredPersistentEntity(property.getTypeInformation().getActualType());    }    private boolean isSimpleType(Object value) {        return isSimpleType(value.getClass());    }    private boolean isSimpleType(Class<?> type) {        return conversions.isSimpleType(type);    }}

If anyone is using Spring Boot 2.1.2 and Kotlin, the following code may help you. I just translated it from @Alexander Lech answer, with some small changes:

First change to Alexanders Answer:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = [ElasticsearchAutoConfiguration::class, ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration::class])

I had to exclude ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration, to make it work.

Second: Since we use Kotlin, and the custom converter is a lot of code, perhaps this translation to Kotlin will help somebody:

class CustomElasticSearchConverter(mappingContext: MappingContext<out ElasticsearchPersistentEntity<*>, ElasticsearchPersistentProperty>, customConversionService: GenericConversionService?) : MappingElasticsearchConverter(mappingContext, customConversionService) {    private val conversionsNew = ElasticsearchCustomConversions(emptyList<Any>())    init {        setConversions(conversionsNew)    }    override fun <R : Any?> readValue(source: Any?, property: ElasticsearchPersistentProperty, targetType: TypeInformation<R>): R? {        if (source == null) {            return null        }        if (source is Collection<*>) {            return readCollectionValue(source, property, targetType) as R?;        }        return super.readValue(source, property, targetType);    }    private fun readCollectionValue(source: Collection<*>?, property: ElasticsearchPersistentProperty, targetType: TypeInformation<*>): Any? {        if (source == null) {            return null        }        val target = createCollectionForValue(targetType, source.size)        for (value in source) {            require(value != null) { "value must not be null" }            if (isSimpleType(value)) {                target.add(readSimpleValue(value, if (targetType.componentType != null) targetType.componentType!! else targetType))            } else {                if (value is MutableCollection<*>) {                    target.add(readValue(value, property, property.typeInformation.actualType as TypeInformation<out Any>))                } else {                    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")                    target.add(readEntity(computeGenericValueTypeForRead(property, value), value as MutableMap<String, Any>?))                }            }        }        return target    }    private fun readSimpleValue(value: Any?, targetType: TypeInformation<*>): Any? {        val target = targetType.type        @Suppress("SENSELESS_COMPARISON")        if (value == null || target == null || ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(target, value)) {            return value        }        if (conversionsNew.hasCustomReadTarget(value.javaClass, target)) {            return conversionService.convert(value, target)        }        @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")        return when {   -> enumByName(target as Class<Enum<*>>, value.toString())            else -> conversionService.convert(value, target)        }    }    private fun enumByName(target: Class<Enum<*>>, name: String): Enum<*> {        val enumValue = target.enumConstants.find { == name }        require(enumValue != null) { "no enum value found for name $name and targetClass $target" }        return enumValue    }    private fun createCollectionForValue(collectionTypeInformation: TypeInformation<*>, size: Int): MutableCollection<Any?> {        val collectionType = when {            collectionTypeInformation.isCollectionLike -> collectionTypeInformation.type            else ->        }        val componentType = when {            collectionTypeInformation.componentType != null -> collectionTypeInformation.componentType            else -> ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT        }        return when {            collectionTypeInformation.type.isArray -> ArrayList(size)            else -> CollectionFactory.createCollection(collectionType, componentType!!.type, size)        }    }    private fun computeGenericValueTypeForRead(property: ElasticsearchPersistentProperty, value: Any): ElasticsearchPersistentEntity<*> {        return when {            ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT == property.typeInformation.actualType -> mappingContext.getRequiredPersistentEntity(value.javaClass)            else -> mappingContext.getRequiredPersistentEntity(property.typeInformation.actualType!!)        }    }    private fun isSimpleType(value: Any): Boolean {        return isSimpleType(value.javaClass)    }    private fun isSimpleType(type: Class<*>): Boolean {        return conversionsNew.isSimpleType(type)    }}

After this, problems with some repository queries where solved. Please also be aware not to use spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch but spring-data-elasticsearch:4.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. (This took me some time).

Yes, the code is ugly, but after spring-data-elasticsearch:4.0.0 is released, you can throw it away.