How to integrate elasticsearch with rails application specifically using "Elasticsearch" gem How to integrate elasticsearch with rails application specifically using "Elasticsearch" gem elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to integrate elasticsearch with rails application specifically using "Elasticsearch" gem

For a very basic quick start of the elastic's github gem for model indexing you could do the following in development environment with elasticsearch running on localhost:9200

in Gemfile:

gem 'elasticsearch-model'

then run on terminal:

$ bundle install

in app/models/service.rb include right after class declaration:

include Elasticsearch::Model

you can now play with it on console with existing data (results are just an example):

$ rails console# Create the index for Service model on elasticsearch> Service.__elasticsearch__.create_index!=> {"acknowledged"=>true}# Import current Service records into the index> Service.import  Service Load (207.3ms)  SELECT  "services".* FROM "services"  ORDER BY "services"."id" ASC LIMIT 1000# Sample search returning total results>"mykeyword")> 123

For more information and details you can take a look at the project's github page

Better use elasticsearch-rails

in Gemfile:

gem install elasticsearch-rails

To import the records from your Article model, run:

$ bundle exec rake environment elasticsearch:import:model CLASS='Article'

To limit the imported records to a certain ActiveRecord scope, pass it to the task:

$ bundle exec rake environment elasticsearch:import:model CLASS='Article' SCOPE='published'

Run this command to display usage instructions:

$ bundle exec rake -D elasticsearch

If you want to use for model

elasticsearch-model, which contains search integration for Ruby/Rails models such as ActiveRecord::Base and Mongoid,