How to match terms with spaces in elasticsearch? How to match terms with spaces in elasticsearch? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to match terms with spaces in elasticsearch?

Another solution to this is to use thenGramtoken filter, which would allow you to have a more "fuzzy" match.

Using your example for "microsoft" and "micro soft", here is an example of howan ngram token filter would break down the tokens:

POST /test{  "settings": {    "analysis": {      "filter": {        "my_ngrams": {          "type": "ngram",          "min_gram": "3",          "max_gram": "5"        }      },      "analyzer" : {        "my_analyzer" : {          "type" : "custom",          "tokenizer" : "standard",          "filter": ["my_ngrams"]        }      }    }  },  "mappings": {    "doc": {      "properties": {        "body": {          "type": "string",          "analyzer": "my_analyzer"        }      }    }  }}

And analyzing the two things:

curl '0:9200/test/_analyze?field=body&pretty' -d'microsoft'{  "tokens" : [ {    "token" : "mic"  }, {    "token" : "micr"  }, {    "token" : "micro"  }, {    "token" : "icr"  }, {    "token" : "icro"  }, {    "token" : "icros"  }, {    "token" : "cro"  }, {    "token" : "cros"  }, {    "token" : "croso"  }, {    "token" : "ros"  }, {    "token" : "roso"  }, {    "token" : "rosof"  }, {    "token" : "oso"  }, {    "token" : "osof"  }, {    "token" : "osoft"  }, {    "token" : "sof"  }, {    "token" : "soft"  }, {    "token" : "oft"  } ]}curl '0:9200/test/_analyze?field=body&pretty' -d'micro soft'{  "tokens" : [ {    "token" : "mic"  }, {    "token" : "micr"  }, {    "token" : "micro"  }, {    "token" : "icr"  }, {    "token" : "icro"  }, {    "token" : "cro"  }, {    "token" : "sof"  }, {    "token" : "soft"  }, {    "token" : "oft"  } ]}

(I cut out some of the output, full output here:

As you can see, since the ngram terms for "microsoft" and "micro soft" overlap,you will be able to find matches for searches like this.

Another approach to this problem is to do word decomposition you can either use a dictionary based approach: Compound Word Token Filter or to use a plugin which decomposes words algorithmically: Decompound plugin.

The word microsoft would e.g. be split into following tokens:

{   "tokens": [      {         "token": "microsoft",      },      {         "token": "micro",      },      {         "token": "soft",      }   ]}

This tokens will allow you to search for partial words like you asked.

Compared to the ngrams approach mentioned in the other answer, this approach will result in a higher precision with only a slightly lower recall.

Try this ES wilcard as below

 {  "query" : {      "bool" : {          "must" : {              "wildcard" : { "content":"micro*soft" }          }      }  }}