How to parse multi line XML in logstash? How to parse multi line XML in logstash? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to parse multi line XML in logstash?

Ok, so it looks like the problem is, you've got confused about your multiline codec and your XML filter.

Can I suggest you set your multiline up:

codec => multiline {     pattern => "<ServiceSalesClosed>"      negate => "true"     what => "previous"}

This will take any line that doesn't contain this tag, and keep it with the previous line(s). This should group your XML stanzas into parsable chunks. You should see the results of this in _source.

Then in your filter:

filter {  xml => {    source => "message"    target => "xml_content"    xpath => [ "//ErrorLevel", "error_level" ]   }}

This should then parse your XML, create fields in the elasticsearch DB for "xml_content" (including your parsed XML) but also specifically extract ErrorLevel into a field of it's own.