How To Push a Spark Dataframe to Elastic Search (Pyspark) How To Push a Spark Dataframe to Elastic Search (Pyspark) elasticsearch elasticsearch

How To Push a Spark Dataframe to Elastic Search (Pyspark)

This worked for me - I had my data in df.

df = df.drop('_id')df.write.format(    "org.elasticsearch.spark.sql").option(    "es.resource", '%s/%s' % (conf['index'], conf['doc_type'])).option(    "es.nodes", conf['host']).option(    "es.port", conf['port']).save()

I had used this command to submit my job - /path/to/spark-submit --master spark://master:7077 --jars ./jar_files/elasticsearch-hadoop-5.6.4.jar --driver-class-path ./jar_files/elasticsearch-hadoop-5.6.4.jar

Managed to find an answer so I'll share. Spark DF's (from pyspark.sql) don't currently support the newAPIHadoopFile() methods; however, df.rdd.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile() was giving me errors as well. The trick was to convert the df to strings via the following function

def transform(doc):    import json    import hashlib    _json = json.dumps(doc)    keys = doc.keys()    for key in keys:        if doc[key] == 'null' or doc[key] == 'None':            del doc[key]    if not doc.has_key('id'):        id = hashlib.sha224(_json).hexdigest()        doc['id'] = id    else:        id = doc['id']    _json = json.dumps(doc)    return (id, _json)

So my JSON workflow is:

1: df ='XXX.json')

2: rdd_mapped = y: y.asDict())

3: final_rdd =


final_rdd.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(     path='-',      outputFormatClass="",     keyClass="",       valueClass="",      conf={ "es.resource" : "<INDEX> / <INDEX>", "":"id",          "es.input.json": "true", "":"elastic",         "es.write.operation":"index", "es.nodes.wan.only":"false",         "":"changeme", "es.nodes":"<NODE1>, <NODE2>, <NODE3>...",         "es.port":"9200" })

More information on ES arguments can be found here (Scroll to 'Configuration')