How to store opening hours semantically in NoSQL? How to store opening hours semantically in NoSQL? elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to store opening hours semantically in NoSQL?

FWIW: David Smiley (one of the Solr / Lucene guru's ) and I have come up with a working solution (on epaper, never implemented at least by me) in Solr. The solution could be somewhat simplified if you only require 1 -slot per day of week, which may be what you want.

Problem is that this is based on fairly new spatial-stuff in Solr 4 (which stuff -> read the post), which I'm pretty sure hasn't made it's way into ES yet although I might be mistaken.

No guarentees, no docs :)

A straightforward alternative, if indeed you only have 1 -slot per day of week is to have 14 dynamic-fields, representing 7 closing and 7 opening-hours and do a simple boolean-query on the correct fields.