How to use elastic query to filter the Kibana Dashbaord in webpage How to use elastic query to filter the Kibana Dashbaord in webpage elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to use elastic query to filter the Kibana Dashbaord in webpage

Option 01:

The kibana dashboard is just a json document stored in elasticsearch , you need to update that json using the elasticsearch API endpoint.

First you need to see how that filter modifies that json , so just save the json before applying the filter in kibana , and then get the json again after applying that filter.

Once you know how your query filter modifies that json , you can then use the API in your web page to do the modifications , instead of using kibana UI.

Option 02: ( I havn't used this )

Use the kibana API to update an object. The update saved object API enables you to update the attributes for an existing Kibana saved object.

Option 03Passing the filter as part of the kibana url:

I think you can look at below plugin of kibana

Kibana-API is an extension to Kibana that lets you tap in to the dashboard management board from your app and change the visualizations dynamically.

Kibana-API (webiks) Exposes an API with Kibana functionality. Use it to create, edit and embed visualizations, and also to search inside an embedded dashboard.