How to write Mapping in mongoosastic in nodejs How to write Mapping in mongoosastic in nodejs elasticsearch elasticsearch

How to write Mapping in mongoosastic in nodejs

example : this example is for saving movie info

var mongoose = require('mongoose')Schema = mongoose.Schema,    mongoosastic = require("mongoosastic"),    var MovieSchema = new Schema({        movieName: String,        movieYear: Number,        imageUrl: String,        genre: String,        director: String,        producer: String,        cast: String,        writer: String,        synopsis: String,        rating: Number,        price: Number,        rentPrice: Number,        format: String,        language: String,        offer: Number,        quantity: Number,        offerString: String,        createDate: Date,        updateDate: Date,    });MovieSchema.plugin(mongoosastic);Movie = module.exports = mongoose.model('Movie', MovieSchema);Movie.createMapping({    "settings": {        "number_of_shards": 1,        "number_of_replicas": 0,        "analysis": {            "filter": {                "nGram_filter": {                    "type": "nGram",                    "min_gram": 2,                    "max_gram": 20,                    "token_chars": [                        "letter",                        "digit",                        "punctuation",                        "symbol"                    ]                }            },            "analyzer": {                "nGram_analyzer": {                    "type": "custom",                    "tokenizer": "whitespace",                    "filter": [                        "lowercase",                        "asciifolding",                        "nGram_filter"                    ]                },                "whitespace_analyzer": {                    "type": "custom",                    "tokenizer": "whitespace",                    "filter": [                        "lowercase",                        "asciifolding"                    ]                }            }        }    },    "mappings": {        "movie": {            "_all": {                "analyzer": "nGram_analyzer",                "search_analyzer": "whitespace_analyzer"            },            "properties": {                "movieName": {                    "type": "string",                },                "movieYear": {                    "type": "double"                },                "imageUrl": {                    "type": "string"                },                "genre": {                    "type": "string"                },                "director": {                    "type": "string"                },                "producer": {                    "type": "string"                },                "cast": {                    "type": "String"                },                "writer": {                    "type": "string"                },                "synopsis": {                    "type": "string"                },                "rating": {                    "type": "double"                },                "price": {                    "type": "double"                },                "rentPrice": {                    "type": "double"                },                "quantity": {                    "type": "double"                },                "format": {                    "type": "string"                },                "offer": {                    "type": "double"                },                "offerString": {                    "type": "string"                },                "language": {                    "type": "string"                }            }        }    }}, function(err, mapping) {    if (err) {        console.log('error creating mapping (you can safely ignore this)');        console.log(err);    } else {        console.log('mapping created!');        console.log(mapping);    }});