Invalid version format (version required) at Module/ when executing a perl script that uses Invalid version format (version required) at Module/ when executing a perl script that uses elasticsearch elasticsearch

Invalid version format (version required) at Module/ when executing a perl script that uses

You haven't posted your code, and this is the likely cause of the problem. But it seems you have a call in your code somewhere to use_module from Module::Runtime.

The second argument, which is the version, is not in a valid format.

If you cannot solve it yourself from just this you will need to edit your question to include your code. At least the most likely section.

I forgot to close the question. Anyway, the solution is in the comment I wrote to Neil Lunn:

It was due to the module, whose version 1.0 is not compatible with new I wrote to the developer, and he fixed it. New version is on github elasticsearch-perl. –