Issues with regex in Kibana Issues with regex in Kibana elasticsearch elasticsearch

Issues with regex in Kibana

So I don't exactly have the answer on how to make Lucene work with Regexp search in Kibana. But I figured out a way to do this in Kibana.

Solution is to use Filter with custom DSL

enter image description here

Here is an example of what to put in Query JSON -

{    "regexp": {        "req.url.keyword": "/question/[0-9]+/answer"    }}

Example Url I have in my data - /questions/432142/answer

Additional to this, you can write more filters using Kibana search (Lucene syntax)

It does the appropriate search, no escaping issue or any such thing.

Hope it helps.

Make sure Kibana hasn't got query feature turned on in top right.

top right of Kibana 6.8.1