Kibana query exact match Kibana query exact match elasticsearch elasticsearch

Kibana query exact match

I had a similar issue, and ifound that ".raw" fixed it - in your example, try

url.raw : ""

Just giving more visibility to @dezhi's comment.

in newer version of ES(5.x, 6.x), you should use `url.keyword` instead, as they have changed to a new keyword type.

Therefore, it would be:

url.keyword : ""

Exact value is not supported out of the box.

Out of the box, Lucene does not provide exact field matches, like matching "Acer Negundo Ab" and only "Acer Negundo Ab" (not also "Acer Negundo Ab IgG" ). Neither does Lucene provide "Starts With" or "Ends With" functionality. Fortunately, there are workarounds.