Logstash keep creating field despite the dynamic_mapping being deactivated Logstash keep creating field despite the dynamic_mapping being deactivated elasticsearch elasticsearch

Logstash keep creating field despite the dynamic_mapping being deactivated

You should enforce the mapping at the document type level.


Regardless of the value of this setting, types can still be added explicitly when creating an index or with the PUT mapping API.

So your mapping will look like:

"mappings": {    "author": {        "dynamic": false,        "properties": {            "author_name": {                "type": "keyword"            },            "author_pseudo": {                "type": "keyword"            },            "author_location": {                "type": "text",                "fields": {                    "standard": {                        "analyzer": "standard",                        "term_vector": "yes",                        "type": "text"                    },                    "nlp": {                        "analyzer": "nlp_analyzer",                        "term_vector": "yes",                        "type": "text"                    }                }            }        }    }}

This answer is not exactly what you are requesting, but you can manually remove fields with a logstash filter like this:

filter {  mutate {    remove_field => ["fieldname"]  }}

If your events have a defined list of fields, you could solve your problem this way.