LogStash: kibana Alert - No results There were no results because no indices were found that match your selected time span LogStash: kibana Alert - No results There were no results because no indices were found that match your selected time span elasticsearch elasticsearch

LogStash: kibana Alert - No results There were no results because no indices were found that match your selected time span

Coming to logstash response : The indices of elasticsearch path where you are going to save your data through logstash has been refusing to take data. Due to repeatedly hitting of same query again and again,its making the java application to hit same port at same instant of time. Hence its stopping logstash application and showing bind issue.

Coming to kibana response: check the mapping and indices name and pattern in elasticsearch where its trying to save data and kibana is trying to fetch data

if you have installed head plugin in elastic search you indices could be seen instart elasticsearch service

bin/elasticsearch -fthen from your browser
