Match all values in a nested array using elasticsearch Match all values in a nested array using elasticsearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Match all values in a nested array using elasticsearch

You can get away with a simple Groovy script like this one:

def match = false; for (sub_array in _source.arr) {    match = match || (search_array.intersect(sub_array).size() == sub_array.size())}return match;

The idea is to iterate over all arr sub-arrays and check if the intersection with the search array has the same size as the sub-array itself.

Wrapping this inside a script filter, the query would look like this:

POST index/type/_search{   "query": {      "filtered": {         "filter": {            "script": {               "script": "def match = false; for (sub_array in _source.arr) {match = match || (search_array.intersect(sub_array).size() == sub_array.size())}; return match;",               "params": {                  "search_array": [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ]               }            }         }      }   }}

You also need to make sure to enable dynamic scripting in order for this to work, i.e. in your elasticsearch.yml file just add script.inline: on and restart your cluster.