Missing geo_point fields in elasticsearch response Missing geo_point fields in elasticsearch response elasticsearch elasticsearch

Missing geo_point fields in elasticsearch response

So following the logic, I've replicated and solved the issue by adding "store": true to your index mappings and now it allows me to retrieve lon/lat using fields, rather than _source.

Please see replication done on Sense on my localhost:

DELETE testPUT /test{  "mappings": {    "test1": {      "properties": {        "location": {          "type": "string"        },        "mygeo": {          "type": "geo_point",          "doc_values": true,          "store": true,           "fielddata": {            "format": "compressed",            "precision": "1km"          }        }      }    }  }}POST /test/test1/{  "mygeo": {    "lat": 51.247607909,    "lon": 22.565701278  },  "location": "New York"}GET /test/_search{  "size" : 1,  "fields": ["location", "mygeo"]}

So, this query does bring back results as you would expect. Only issue is that your lan/lon is formatted in as an array. See result from query:

{  "hits" : [{      "_index" : "test",      "_type" : "test1",      "_id" : "AVCGqhsq9y2W0mh1rPgV",      "_score" : 1,      "fields" : {        "mygeo" : [          "51.247607909,22.565701278"        ],        "location" : [          "New York"        ]      }    }  ]}

However, this is one of the formats, that Elasticsearch officially supports. Taken from documentation:

With the location field defined as a geo_point, we can proceed to index documents containing latitude/longitude pairs, which can be formatted as strings, arrays, or objects:

PUT /attractions/restaurant/1{  "name" : "Chipotle Mexican Grill",  "location" : "40.715, -74.011"}PUT /attractions/restaurant/2{  "name" : "Pala Pizza",  "location" : {    "lat" : 40.722,    "lon" : -73.989  }}PUT /attractions/restaurant/3{  "name" : "Mini Munchies Pizza",  "location" : [-73.983, 40.719]}

Also, please note this from documentation:

Everybody gets caught at least once: string geo-points are "latitude,longitude", while array geo-points are [longitude,latitude]—the opposite order!

If your field is stored in the _source (even if it's a GeoPoint type field), you have to use the "_source" query parameter to specify which fields (from source) you want:

GET /_search{    "_source": "obj.*",    "query" : {        "term" : { "user" : "kimchy" }    }}

See more details here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-source-filtering.html

Long story short:

  • if your field is in source, then you need to specify "_source" pattern in your query to only get the parts(fields) you want
  • Specifying "fields" in your query will (mostly) be meaningful for fields which are declared in the mapping with "store: yes". This doesn't say anything about which fields should be returned from source.
  • Yes, there's an inconsistency here: if your field is mapped in source, but not declared with "Store: yes", then specifying it in the "fields" parameter of your query may or may not return it (I've noticed that "simple" fields, such as text, number, etc are returned in this case, but more complex fields such as timestamp or GeoPoint are not).