Practical Limits of ElasticSearch + Cassandra Practical Limits of ElasticSearch + Cassandra elasticsearch elasticsearch

Practical Limits of ElasticSearch + Cassandra

See this thread from 2011, which mentions ElasticSearch configurations with 1700 shards each of 200GB, which would be in the 1/3 petabyte range. I would expect that the architecture of ElasticSearch would support almost limitless horizontal scalability, because each shard index works separately from all other shards.

The practical limits (which would apply to any other solution as well) include the time needed to actually load that much data in the first place. Managing a Cassandra cluster (or any other distributed datastore) of that size will also involve significant workload just for maintenance, load balancing etc.

Sonian is the company kimchy alludes to in that thread. We have over a petabyte on AWS across multiple ES clusters. There isn't a technical limitation to how far horizontally you can scale ES, but as DNA mentioned there are practical problems. The biggest by far is network. It applies to every distributed data storage. You can only move so much across the wire at a time. When ES has to recover from a failure, it has to move data. The best option is to use smaller shards across more nodes (more concurrent transfer), but you risk a higher rate of failure and exhorbitant cost per byte.

AS DNA mentioned, 1700 shards, but it is not 1700 shards but there are 1700 indexes each with 1 shard and 1 replica. So it is quite possible that these 1700 indexes are not present on single machine but are split around multiple machines.So this is never a problem