Query the latest document of each type on Elasticsearch Query the latest document of each type on Elasticsearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Query the latest document of each type on Elasticsearch

First, please note that I had to change your mapping for the headline field to string, as in your sample documents headlines are strings and not objects.

So, a query like the following one would retrieve what you expect:

curl -XPOST "$ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT/news/_search" -d '{  "size": 0,  "query": {    "filtered": {      "filter": {        "term": {          "user": "John"           <--- filter for user=John        }      }    }  },  "aggs": {    "sources": {      "terms": {        "field": "source"          <--- aggregate by source      },      "aggs": {        "latest": {          "top_hits": {            "size": 1,             <--- only take the first...            "_source": [           <--- only the date and headline               "headline",               "timestamp"            ],            "sort": {              "timestamp": "desc"  <--- ...and only the latest hit            }          }        }      }    }  }}'

That will yield something like this:

{  ...  "aggregations" : {    "sources" : {      "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,      "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,      "buckets" : [ {        "key" : "CNN",        "doc_count" : 2,        "latest" : {          "hits" : {            "total" : 2,            "max_score" : null,            "hits" : [ {              "_index" : "news",              "_type" : "news",              "_id" : "AU7Sh3VDGDddn2ZNuDVl",              "_score" : null,              "_source":{                  "headline": "More great news",                   "timestamp": "2015-07-28T00:08:23.000"              },              "sort" : [ 1438042103000 ]            } ]          }        }      }, {        "key" : "ESPN",        "doc_count" : 2,        "latest" : {          "hits" : {            "total" : 2,            "max_score" : null,            "hits" : [ {              "_index" : "news",              "_type" : "news",              "_id" : "AU7Sh3VDGDddn2ZNuDVn",              "_score" : null,              "_source":{                   "headline": "More sports news",                    "timestamp": "2015-07-28T00:10:35.000"              },              "sort" : [ 1438042235000 ]            } ]          }        }      } ]    }  }}