Rank over partition from postgresql in elasticsearch Rank over partition from postgresql in elasticsearch elasticsearch elasticsearch

Rank over partition from postgresql in elasticsearch

You can achieve this using field collapsing clubbed with inner_hits.

{    "collapse": {        "field": "user_id",        "inner_hits": {            "name": "order by created_at",            "size": 1,            "sort": [                {                    "created_at": "desc"                }            ]        }    },}

Detailed Article: https://blog.francium.tech/sql-window-function-partition-by-in-elasticsearch-c2e3941495b6

It is simple: if you want to find the oldest record (for a given id), you just need the records for which no older ones (with the same id) exist. (this assumes that for a given id, no records exist with the same created_at date)

SELECT * FROM locations llWHERE NOT EXISTS (   SELECT * FROM locations nx   WHERE nx.user_id = ll.user_id   AND nx.created_at > ll.created_at   );

EDITED (it appears the OP wants the newst observation, not the oldest)

use top_hits.

    "aggs": {    "user_id": {    "terms": {"field": "user_id"},    "aggs": {        "top_location": {          "top_hits": {            "size": 1,            "sort": { "created_at": "asc" },            "_source": []          }        }    } }}