Reading ES from spark with elasticsearch-spark connector: all the fields are returned Reading ES from spark with elasticsearch-spark connector: all the fields are returned elasticsearch elasticsearch

Reading ES from spark with elasticsearch-spark connector: all the fields are returned

The spark elasticsearch connector uses fields thus you cannot apply projection.

If you wish to use fine-grained control over the mapping, you should be using DataFrame instead which are basically RDDs plus schema.

pushdown predicate should also be enabled to translate (push-down) Spark SQL into Elasticsearch Query DSL.

Now a semi-full example :

myQuery = """{"query":..., """val df ="org.elasticsearch.spark.sql")                     .option("query", myQuery)                     .option("pushdown", "true")                     .load("myindex/mytype")                     .limit(10) // instead of size                     .select("a","b") // instead of fields

what about calling:

scala> val es_rdd = sc.esRDD("myindex/mytype",query="myquery", Map[String, String] (""->"a,b"))

You want restrict fields returned from elasticsearch _search HTTP API? (I guess to improve download speed).

First of all, use a HTTP proxy to see what the elastic4hadoop plugin is doing (I use on MacOS Apache Zeppelin with Charles proxy). This will help you to understand how pushdown works.

There are several solutions to achieve this:

1. dataframe and pushdown

You specify fields, and the plugin will "forward" to ES (here the _source parameter):

POST ../events/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=5m&size=50&_source=client&preference=_shards%3A3%3B_local

(-) Not fully working for nested fields.

(+) Simple, straightaway, easy to read

2. RDD & query fields

With JavaEsSpark.esRDD, you can specify fields inside the JSON query, like you did. This only work with RDD (with DataFrame, the fields is not sent).

(-) no dataframe -> no Spark way

(+) more flexible, more control