Remote GUI client for elastic search [closed] Remote GUI client for elastic search [closed] elasticsearch elasticsearch

Remote GUI client for elastic search [closed]

You need to remove the # character in front your two lines, as that comments out the line and thus has no effect.

Also the correct settings for CORS is named http.cors.enabled not http.cors.enable

So you should include these two lines:

http.cors.enabled: truehttp.cors.allow-origin: "remotehosturl:9200"

Also you have the choice with other plugins, such as Marvel, Kopf or the Sense Chrome plugin (soon available as a Kibana-powered standalone tool)

Dejavu is a MIT-licensed modern alternative to Elasticsearch Head, I am one of the contributors to the project.

You can use it as a remote web app, a chrome extension or as a docker image.

It supports:

  • Excel like UI for CRUD operations - including ability to view and add mappings from GUI,
  • Visual filters,
  • Ability to import CSV / JSON files directly,
  • Query views,
  • Export data in CSV / JSON formats.

When using it in a remote mode, you will have to set the Elasticsearch config to allow CORS from the origin where dejavu's app is running.

You can read more about the project at

Marvel's sense is official GUI client for elasticsearch maintained by elastic.It is now even free to use in production with ES release 2.0. Sense query user interface has intellisense hooked with it which is very usefull when writing complex queries and offer lot of other metrics about cluster health, CPU load, memory(build on top of kibana).I prefer sense over head.It is worth taking a look atleast.

You have to install this plugin on your remote server.Installation-