Search query to retrieve nested documents in elasticsearch with _source disabled Search query to retrieve nested documents in elasticsearch with _source disabled elasticsearch elasticsearch

Search query to retrieve nested documents in elasticsearch with _source disabled

If you use Source Filtering it will return the nested objects as a whole, your query would be:

{  "_source": [    "name",    "variation"  ],  "query": {    "nested": {      "path": "variation",      "query": {        "bool": {          "must": [            {              "term": {                "variation.size": "XXL"              }            },            {              "term": {                "variation.color": "red"              }            }          ]        }      }    }  }}

You should use this:

"script_fields": {"variation": {  "script": {    "inline": "doc['variation.size'].value + ' ' + doc[''].value"  } }}

I use elasticsearch v. 5.1.1