Searchkick index is empty after reindexing from model Searchkick index is empty after reindexing from model elasticsearch elasticsearch

Searchkick index is empty after reindexing from model

        def self.reindex_course            index = Course.reindex(async: true, refresh_interval: "5s")            Course.search_index.promote(index[:index_name], update_refresh_interval: true)            Course.search_index.clean_indices          end

Looks like calling Course.search_index.clean_indices in the last line would clean old indices. I think you may want to call it in the first line, or do not call it at all.

I found a quick fix for this issue. calling touch on parent(Course) class of Instructor and other associated model seems to be updating the index correctly.

instructor.rb model looks like this:

:::after_commit :reindex_course::def reindex_course    if self.try(:instructorable).try(:persisted?)      if self.instructorable_type == "Course"        self.instructorable.touch      elsif self.instructorable_type == "ScheduledCourse"        self.instructorable.course.touch      end    end  end

As the hook works correctly when something happens on Course model, touch seems to be solving the purpose for now.

Answer to the problem remains a mystery to me.