Searchkick - trailing special characters Searchkick - trailing special characters elasticsearch elasticsearch

Searchkick - trailing special characters

The word_start analyzer of searchkick use this ES configuration ( source here )

searchkick_word_start_index: {    type: "custom",    tokenizer: "standard",    filter: ["lowercase", "asciifolding", "searchkick_edge_ngram"]}

It uses the standard tokenizer that split strings on hyphens and dots ( there are other rules used by standard tokenizer, but non-relevant to your case ) ( doc here )

You should try with the text_start match of searchkick that use this configuration

searchkick_text_start_index: {    type: "custom",    tokenizer: "keyword",    filter: ["lowercase", "asciifolding", "searchkick_edge_ngram"]}

The Elastic keyword tokenizer will preserve the "." and "-" and should work for your use case.

NB: A think that the working matching on 66.6 is a fluke since standard analyzer also strips the "."