Set a Kibana dashboard filter through the url Set a Kibana dashboard filter through the url elasticsearch elasticsearch

Set a Kibana dashboard filter through the url

I stumbled upon this while looking for a solution to a slightly similar question. I figured I would share two options that I have gotten to [mostly] work, but either should do what you are looking for.

URL With Variable Set to Application State:


Using this method, the filter is not "pinned", so if you have another link on your landing dashboard, the filter will not remain if you click that link. However, your other global state settings (timeframe, etc.) do remain.

URL With Variable Set to Global State:


Using this method, the filter is "pinned" and remains throughout additional clicks. However, this URL will overwrite all your other global state settings (timeframe, etc.).

This is where I am. I would like the filter to remain pinned, but if I have a time filter set as well, clicking this link will unfortunately default to the timepicker:timeDefaults setting in Kibana.

I still have not found a solution to my issue, but I hope this answers the original question; or perhaps help someone else that stumbles here (seeing as how this thread is very old now).